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Tomaccini isproducedexclusivelyinthegreekmarketbytheGreekGreenhousesS.A. inSamos. Thegreenhousehasa 10-acrefacilityandis now being expanded by 5 acres. It is a hudroponics facility that uses the dutch know-how for the cultivation of tomato and in particular the variety Angel in Grodan rockwool.

   TheobjectiveoftheGreekGreenhouseistooffertheconsumeraproductthatwouldbridgethedistancebetweenflavorandhealthydietprovingthatthetomatoisnotavegetablebutafruitwhosesweetandsourflavorhydratesthe body and can be consumed all day long.


     Its cultivation began in 2008 at the south east side of Samos, at the area named Mesokampos. Theexcellentclimatethattheislandoffers, hydroponicsandtheexcellentfacilitiesareundoubtedlythebestcombinationfortheproducerstoensurehighoutput, sufficientproductionanddistributionoftheproducttothemarketallyearround as well as a high quality for their products at a competitive production cost.



     HellenicGreenhousesS.A. usesrenewableenergysources, inseminationisachievedbymeansof Bombusterrestris bees and regular quality checks of the product take place. Hygiene and food safety rules are applied whereas the various areas of the greenhouse are sterilized and the personnel makes use of hospital equipment.



Finally, Greek Grenhouses S.A. supports the local sommunity of Samos as the employees are residents of nearby villages.