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Thepackagingiscleverandeasytouse. Theproductcanbetransferredeasilysothatit can be used as a healthy snack for school or work.

It is marketed in packs of 250 grams in a cup designed for this specific purpose and it resembles a cup for coffee. It can be consumed at school, in the car, at the office, during an excursion or at the beach.

Thereisasmallopeningatthetopsothatthetomacciniareneither squeezed nor easily scattered.

This yeas, the Greek Greenhouses S.A. welcome yet a new member in their family. The gift packed Samos Pops. SamosPopsaretomaccini on their claster in a plastic rectangular box.

On July 11th 2013 the tomaccini won the first place at the Business Excellence Awards 2013 under the category Research and Development.

Συσκευασίες Tomaccini